
What Do Pest Control Companies Use for Roaches?

Published on 08/25/2024 ⚬ Read time 7 min


Understanding the tools and methods pest control companies use to eradicate roaches can help you make informed decisions for a pest-free home. At PestControl.us.org, we prioritize reliability, efficiency, and expertise to connect you with top-rated pest control services nationwide.

Quick Overview:

  • Gel baits are effective for targeting roaches in moist areas.

  • Tent fumigation is used for severe infestations but requires precautions.

  • Common chemicals include Boric Acid, Hydramethylnon, and Fipronil.

  • Professional services offer safer and more effective results than DIY methods.

Common Methods Used by Pest Control Companies:

Gel Bait:

Gel baits are one of the most common and effective methods used by pest control professionals to deal with roaches. These baits contain attractants mixed with a slow-acting poison, such as Hydramethylnon. Roaches are drawn to the bait, consume it, and carry it back to their nests, where it spreads to other roaches. The slow action of the poison allows it to be passed throughout the roach population, leading to a significant reduction in their numbers.

The advantage of gel baits is their versatility and effectiveness in moist environments like kitchens and bathrooms, where roaches are often found. Because gel baits remain effective even in cracks and crevices where water might be present, they are ideal for targeting roaches in their hiding spots.

Tent Fumigation:

When infestations are particularly severe, tent fumigation might be necessary. This method involves sealing the entire house with a tent and filling it with gaseous pesticides. The process ensures that all roaches, including those hidden deep within the structure, are exposed to the toxic gas, leading to their elimination.

However, tent fumigation requires significant preparation and safety measures. Occupants must vacate the property for a period, usually a few days, to avoid exposure to the chemicals. While highly effective, this method is generally reserved for extreme cases due to its cost and inconvenience.

Physical Methods:

Physical pest control methods play a crucial role in integrated pest management. These techniques include trapping, field burning, trap cropping, and perimeter traps, all designed to physically remove or block access to roaches. For example, trapping involves placing sticky traps or mechanical traps in areas where roaches are active. These traps can help reduce the population by capturing roaches and preventing them from moving freely.

Field burning and trap cropping are more agricultural techniques but can be adapted for home use in certain situations. Perimeter traps, on the other hand, are used to create a barrier around the home, limiting roaches' access to indoor spaces.

By employing a combination of these methods, pest control companies can effectively manage roach infestations, ensuring a comprehensive approach to pest control. The use of physical methods, in conjunction with chemical treatments, provides a multi-faceted strategy that maximizes the chances of eliminating roaches from your home.

What do professional exterminators use to kill roaches?

Effective Chemicals for Roach Control

Boric Acid:

Boric acid has been a trusted solution in pest control for over a century. Known for its effectiveness and safety, it works by adhering to the roaches' bodies when they crawl through treated areas. As roaches groom themselves, they ingest the boric acid, which acts as a slow-acting poison. Once ingested, it disrupts their digestive system and nervous system, leading to death.

Boric acid is versatile and can be used in various forms, such as powder, paste, or in combination with bait. It's especially effective in cracks, crevices, and other hard-to-reach places where roaches like to hide. Its low toxicity to humans and pets makes it a preferred choice for many pest control professionals.


Hydramethylnon is a powerful chemical commonly used in bait stations and gels. It works by disrupting the energy production in roaches, leading to their eventual starvation and death. This chemical is particularly effective because it has a delayed action, allowing the poisoned roach to return to its nest and spread the toxin to other members of the colony.

Hydramethylnon is used in various formulations, including gels, baits, and traps, making it a flexible option for pest control professionals. Its effectiveness against large roach populations makes it a valuable tool in the fight against infestations.


Fipronil is another widely used insecticide that targets the central nervous system of roaches. It causes hyperactivity, paralysis, and eventually death. Fipronil is often used in gel baits and can be applied both indoors and outdoors.

One of the advantages of Fipronil is its ability to act quickly while providing long-lasting effects. However, it's important to handle it carefully, as improper use can lead to health risks for humans and pets. Pest control professionals are trained to use Fipronil safely and effectively, ensuring minimal risk while maximizing its roach-killing potential.


Pyrethroids, including compounds like Pyrethrin, Cypermethrin, and Permethrin, are synthetic chemicals that mimic the natural insecticidal properties of chrysanthemum flowers. These chemicals work by disrupting the nervous system of roaches, causing paralysis and death.

Pyrethroids are popular due to their effectiveness and relatively low toxicity to humans and pets. They are used in various formulations, such as sprays, dusts, and baits. However, overuse can lead to resistance in roach populations, so they must be used judiciously as part of an integrated pest management plan.

Growth Regulators:

Growth regulators, such as Hydroprene and Methoprene, offer a unique approach to pest control. These chemicals interfere with the normal development and reproductive cycles of roaches. By mimicking juvenile hormones, growth regulators prevent roaches from reaching maturity and reproducing, effectively reducing their population over time.

Hydroprene and Methoprene are often used in combination with other pest control methods to provide a comprehensive solution. They are particularly useful in preventing reinfestations, making them a valuable component of long-term pest management strategies.

Residual Sprays:

Residual sprays, containing active ingredients like Cyfluthrin, provide long-lasting protection against roaches. These sprays are applied to areas where roaches are likely to hide, such as cracks, crevices, and other hard-to-reach places. The residual effect ensures that any roaches coming into contact with the treated surfaces will be killed over time.

While highly effective, residual sprays must be used with caution. Proper application and safety measures are essential to avoid health risks to humans and pets. Professional pest control services ensure that residual sprays are used safely and effectively, providing lasting protection against roaches.


Dust formulations, such as Silica Aerogel and Diatomaceous Earth, offer another effective tool for roach control. These dusts work by desiccating or dehydrating roaches, leading to their death. Silica Aerogel is particularly effective but requires careful handling to avoid respiratory irritation.

Diatomaceous Earth, a naturally occurring sedimentary rock, is crushed into a fine powder and used as an insecticide. It physically pierces the exoskeletons of roaches, causing dehydration and death. While effective, it must be used responsibly to avoid respiratory irritation for humans and pets.

By understanding the various chemicals used in roach control, you can appreciate the expertise required to handle these pests safely and effectively. Professional pest control services combine these chemicals with other methods to provide a comprehensive solution to roach infestations.

Ensuring Safety

When dealing with chemicals and pest control methods, safety is a paramount concern. Professional pest control services are trained to apply these treatments in a manner that minimizes risks to humans and pets. Here are some key safety considerations:

  • Proper Application: Professionals know how to apply chemicals correctly, ensuring that they target the roaches while minimizing exposure to non-target areas.

  • Safety Precautions: Keeping children and pets away from treated areas is essential to prevent accidental exposure. Professionals will provide specific instructions on safety measures during and after treatment.

  • Eco-Friendly Options: Many pest control companies now offer eco-friendly and green chemical options that are safer for the environment and less harmful to humans and pets.

  • Regular Inspections: Routine inspections and follow-up treatments help ensure that the roach problem is effectively managed and that any potential risks are minimized.

By choosing a professional pest control service, you can be confident that the methods and chemicals used will be applied safely and effectively, protecting your family and home from the dangers of roach infestations.

Why Choose Professional Services Over DIY

While DIY methods can be effective for minor infestations, professional pest control services offer several advantages:

  • Expertise and Knowledge: Professionals have the training and experience to identify the most effective treatment plans for your specific situation.

  • Comprehensive Solutions: Professional services use a combination of methods and chemicals to ensure thorough and long-lasting results.

  • Safety: Trained professionals know how to handle and apply chemicals safely, reducing the risk of exposure to humans and pets.

  • Convenience: Hiring a professional saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other priorities while they take care of the infestation.

By choosing professional pest control services, you ensure that your home is protected from roaches in the most effective and safest way possible.

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